The Parent / Teacher Community for Amy Imai Elementary School
Mountain View, CA
Imai PTA Supports Our School and All Our Kids
Our parent community is one of the things that makes our school great! The PTA works year-round to support our school and strengthen the Imai Elementary community. Imai PTA spends $250-$300 per student each year on things such as:
Programs Supporting the Curriculum
Supplemental curriculum materials for teachers
Classroom supplies
TK & Kindergarten P.E.
Kindergarten Art in Action
Extra field trips and transportation
Assemblies and author visits
Library books and improvements
PE and recess equipment
Time for Kids and
Scholastic News magazines -
Family & parent education nights
Music - supplemental 4th grade choir and Honor Choir
Environmental Education (Grades 3-5)
Student Planners
(Grades 3-5) -
Friday Folders
Enrichment Programs​
Weekly/biweekly science lab
Project Cornerstone and inclusion initiatives
Imagineerz Learning (creative engineering)
Project-Based Learning (PBL) initiatives
Enrichment Software​
Math IXL
Computers, tablets, and carts
Classroom projectors and bulbs
Tech squad and technology coach
Campus Maintenance
and Improvements
School/classroom improvements (backpack hooks, bulletin boards, etc.)
Classroom rugs (K-2)
School gardens and flower boxes
Beautification Day and ball wall
Community and Character Building​
Summer socials for new TK & Kinders
Class posting popsicle social
Annual silent auction party
Literacy Week
Growth Mindset
Digital TAT2 (digital citizenship)
School Yearbook
Eaglefest (spring carnival)
Family Science Night
Multi-Cultural Day
5th Grade Tea & Graduation Party
Staff Appreciation
Parent Coffees / hospitality